Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Writing Nightmare - Recovering from literary disaster


Today at noon I ducked into an Internet Cafe, stuck in my memory stick and did some email and other stuff while my wife was happily shopping. Tonite I'm home, and get ready to do some serious writing on my current travel guide project, and...

I can't find the memory stick.

I search everywhere but I can't find it. Then I terrible realization hits: I never brought it with me when I left the Internet Cafe.

It's closed now, so I'll have to check with them tomorrow to see if someone was smart enough, and honest enough, to turn it in for me to find it in the morning. My problem is too fold... most of my recent writing research is on my stick for the current project. Plus I just accepted another copywriting assignment. I'm doing a rush job to do a short, white paper over the weekend. Since I now have two writing assignments on a tight deadline, I don't need to be rushing around trying to recreate my recent work.

So much for musing about hammock time.


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