Monday, October 09, 2006

Southern California Goodbye - Hello Ecuador

Well, the week is done and I’m winging my way back home. The time in LA and Palm Springs was productive, although at times incredibly frustrating. In my home in Ecuador, anything I need is within a couple of miles, and normally within a few blocks. In the States, though, everything is over vast distances with lots of driving.

There are some great ideas popping around, with lots of potential projects in the works. In fact, I had a great meeting with a couple ladies who produce audio books. It seems they have some books that they need summarized and put into transcript form, so they can be produced in an abridged form of the originals. These are very smart women with lots of great ideas. I do hope something comes of it.

Well, I’m conserving battery power now. I’ll add more details in the coming days.
Have a great weekend!


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